I first read about the cancer yesterday, online in a news section of a website. OK, that's fine. Later that night I'm flipping through the channels and see the familiar red bar of Breaking News! on not one but THREE major news stations. Ooh, what happened now? If they are carrying the same story it must be big. A bombing? A food, toy, or anything made in China recall? An attempt on a the president? Is it snowing in Hawaii? Did Obama, Clinton and McCain decide to drop out due to incompetence? Is the Fed dropping interest rates? Was World Peace was finally achieved (thank, Miss America!)? I wasn't even close.
Since when on Gods green earth did Patrick Swayze become Breaking News??
Are the morons that run cable and network news so shallow and half-brained to some how justify Patrick Swayze, PATRICK SWAYZE, as breaking news? There's no such thing as an honest, real, intelligent and relevant story anymore - just mindless sensationalism.
Don't get me wrong, I like Patrick Swayze. I loved Johnny. He's got moves, man. I own the movie and I can quote from it. And if a movie has a fab soundtrack I will love it even more. I own the soundtrack (check out the Blow Monkeys) and it pops up quite frequently on my ipod. I think my Nano loves Dirty Dancing too :) But really folks, the only time PS (I had to reduce to his initials. Swayze is a hard word to type repeatedly - it's all with the not as limber left hand!) has been brought up in the last 5 years is when VH1 did I love the 80's and they mention him and his addictions alongside Jennifer Grey's BAD nose job. It's fine by me to mention in some news item that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and maybe mention that someone "close to PS", stated that he only has 5 weeks to live, but do so only after you have all the facts!! No Dr. has given him only 5 weeks.
By the way, did you know that "someone close to PS" really means some nose picker in Cincinnati knows America is gullible and prone to panic attacks, called in into some important radio talk show, like Howard Stern, and made a sincere and authentic statement about the mans life expectancy. Interesting, huh? Back to the rant.....
I'm not belittling cancer or anyone who is fighting it , conquered it, or lost the battle. My mom lost the battle after a terrific fight with it. Cancer sucks, bites, offends and disgusts me. Patrick Swayze has a war to wage on his body right now. It's personal for him. I wish him the best.
What makes me so riled up about the whole thing is the fact that these "serious" news organizations would consider this red banner Breaking News. Sorry PS, but you're not the POTUS with cancer and 5 weeks to live, world peace, a nuclear bomb threat or a hurricane. I think you know that. I think you want to be left alone. Although (now here's the cynical part of me coming out. I blame lack of trust in the media!) you are coming out with some new show and I hope that you're not as sick and twisted as those news stations to use this to get publicity. How did this qualify? What are the standards news-makers? Did making your station a "24 hour news" station really screw you. I'm going to tell you that I'm truly fine with a "2 hour news station", just as long as what's presented was true, unbiased and actually something the whole world should know and care about. Again, sorry PS. And to top it all off, there is nary a mention of him today. How do you think that makes PS feel? Leave him alone. Your liberal use of the red banner Breaking News bar really got my undies in a bunch.
Wow.... I feel better.
PS - I love your hair PS!
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